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Custom Error Pages


You can create your own error pages that are displayed to the website visitor when an error occurs. When your account is set up, a set of default error documents is created; you simply replace these with your own error pages.

To replace the default error pages, log in to your account via FTP (see the FTP help page for details), then switch to the error_docs directory. The error pages you can replace are:

  • bad_request.html - This page is displayed when the server receives a command it doesn't understand. This error is very rare.
  • forbidden.html - This is displayed when a visitor tries to access a document or directory for which they do not have access privileges. You can get this error when you try to access a password-protected directory without the correct password, or when you try to view a directory that does not have a proper default document (i.e. index.htm or index.html).
  • internal_server_error.html - This error page is usually displayed when you try to run a CGI script that contains a syntax or other error.
  • not_found.html - This is the most common type of error page. This page is displayed when the visitor tries to access a page that doesn't exist, either by mistyping an address or by a "broken link" in your website.
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Article details
Article ID: 3
Category: Getting Started
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (74)

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