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Using the Form Mail Script


Before you use the form mail script we provide you will need to contact to get security authorization for the script. You should be familiar with the HTML required to create Web-based forms, or have website-building software like Dreamweaver or FrontPage that can create the form for you.

After your domain has been added to the authorized-user list for the form mail script, you are ready to edit your HTML code. You should configure your form to submit to the following address:

You should normally use "POST" as the "action" when submitting forms. With this in mind, your full HTML form tag should look like this:

<form method="POST" action="">

There is only one required parameter for the form mail script, and that is the tag which specifies the recipient e-mail address for the form. You will need to create a "hidden" form field named "recipient"; you can put this anywhere inside your <form> </form> tags you wish. If your domain name is "" and the e-mail address you want to submit to is "", the HTML tag would look like this:

<input type="hidden" name="recipient" value="">

Complete details on all of the configuration options for the form mail script are available at the following address:

As you can see if you visit the above Web page, you can create some fairly complex actions using "hidden" form tags. One particularly useful tag is the "redirect" option, which lets you specify a Web page of your own creation with a "thank you" message after the form is submitted. The nice thing about the form mail script we use is that, other than the "recipient" tag, you don't need to specify any configuration options if you don't want to; the script is smart enough to figure out what your form is submitting and even generate a generic "thank you" page.

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