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What are the FrontPage Server Extensions?

Solution FrontPage was a popular website editing application from Microsoft. Although Microsoft has discontinued FrontPage, it still is used widely as it offers ease of use generally not found in higher-end Web design software like Dreamweaver.

The Server Extensions provide added functionality to FrontPage. When installed, they allow you to easily add common website functions such as gathering data from a form, hit counters, and searches. While these features can be added by server scripts (using languages such as Perl, ASP, or PHP), Microsoft FrontPage's point-and-click interface makes it much easier for the novice website designer.

Note that Microsoft has replaced FrontPage with a product called Expression Web. Expression Web can take advantage of the FrontPage Extensions. Combining Expression Web with the FrontPage Extensions makes synching your website files faster and easier.
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Article details
Article ID: 22
Category: Microsoft FrontPage Extensions
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (67)

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